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We would like Say Big Thank You to Shamus Khan Adi for his Kind Comments and Loyal Support throughout the years and Highly Recommend Shamus Khan ADI and Strive2Drive Acadamy for their Professionalism, Great Personality and Service to his Clients! Good Luck and Best Wishes!
Philip Colum Kirwan
Shamus helped me gain the confidence to pass my driving test with only 2 minors, deffo recommend! Fab instructor
Sophie Mae
I pass with him first time with one minor he is the best and honest person.
Basim Haji
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Strive 2 Drive Academy
Another success story at @strive2drive_academy massive CONGRATULATION to Shaied Ali who despite the challenging weather conditions and nerves went and smashed the driving test this Afternoon at Rotherham test center automatically First-time with only 2 faults great results a lovely Start to the weekend. Thank you for choosing us for this journey all the very […]
Another success story at @strive2drive_academy massive CONGRATULATION to the lovely @_holliefoster who despite the challenging weather conditions and nerves went and smashed the driving test this morning at Rotherham test center automatically First-time with Zero faults great results a lovely Start to the weekend. Thank you for choosing us for this journey all the very […]
Congratulations to @meganjademccracken on successfully passing her driving test this morning at the Rotherham test center. Megan’s achievement is particularly commendable given the anxiety she has faced. We are proud to have been a part of her success and wish her all the best in her future driving endeavors. P.s now you can tell @nathlk94 […]